A downloadable game

Swing Gobang


    Play Gobang with you friends ( or yourself ) ——with swinging gravity and realistic physics! You need to connect 5 cirle of your color to beat your opponent in this game, but the gravity in this game is unstable.

- How to play

    * Play this game with your firends, or just imagine you have an opponent.

   * Two players place white and black pieces ( circles ) in turns. Just left-click on screen to place. The size of each pieces is of random.

    * The pieces will fall under a swainging gravity, which is indicated by a needle on the top.

    * The first one who connect 5 pieces in same color  win the game. Pieces that touch each other are 'Connected'. Yellow rings will indicate the 5-connected pieces, and a countdown number will appear on screen. If the 5-connected pieces hold for 3 seconds, the player that hold that color win the game.


Swing_Gobang.zip 53 MB

Install instructions

- unzip the file on Windows

- run the exe file

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